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Friday 6 May 2016

A Wee Day Oot on the Way Part 2

Well I've made it to bridge of Orchy. What a climb from Blackrock. About 2k and not good underfoot but views stunning at the top of the hill.  Quite busy with walkers coming the other way. Most of them had the impression I was running the full thing with shouts of (mainly the Americans) "you're crazy man" or "keep going" . I felt quite proud if a little bit of a fraud given  the efforts of our own ultra contingent - sorry guys.  The temperature was rising and it was blue sky.  Between watching where I was putting my feet and the sweat  blinding me it was  hard to take in the scenery.  Went past Eddie's Junction and thankfully took the right option.  Had a brief stop at Inveroran for some water.  I was climbing that hill and I remembered Davie Searil's advice that ultras walk the hills. It was  too good an option to refuse so from half way up i walked.  The drop down the other side was enjoyable so here i am in Bridge of Orchy with a coffee and a bacon roll. If its good enough for 401 Ben its good enough for me.  Body holding together .... so far. 


StephenP said...

Can't believe you dropped the photo of my bacon role - it was fantastic !

CoachAD said...

Can't believe you forgot to attach it! Must be oxygen starvation. Those two photos were the only ones you sent.

CoachAD said...

Can't believe you forgot to attach it! Must be oxygen starvation. Those two photos were the only ones you sent.