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Sunday 28 December 2014

Park Run...Lake Joondalup!

Having arrived in Australia without a single run in the previous 8 weeks due to a combination of chest infections and work related travel I did what any Harrier would do – immediately start running again. So after three fairly short and less than inspiring runs in the Perth sunshine and heat of around 30 degrees I decided to get the vest out and advertise the club in the recently started Lake Joondalup Park Run sited around 25 minutes north of Perth.

The race here starts at 8am before the heat gets "too" intense which meant a fairly sobering 7.15 departure from the house. No one else took up the offer to come along and support…. Saturday was the 17th week of the event and as you’ll see in the photo I arrived and found a plethora of Santa outfits congregating around a barbeque pit at the park with people going over to show their numbers and pre-register. Thinking this was a slightly different approach I photographed them and then approached with a smile and proferred my Park Run Bar Code. “Eh no, you’ll want the athletes over there then mate”….was the answer. Having been invited not to participate in whatever their event was, I decided to ask no more....

The race is a bit like Strathclyde Park with the out and back route but without the grumpy walkers, the soggy grass and the theme park.

After 1k I was moving along fine but knew that 3-5k be tough as I was still getting back in the groove – and this seemed to be going mainly downhill. By 2k I had been passed by a rather starved looking Santa wearing the kind of tight lycra George would be proud of….this must be how Santa gets thin enough to fit down your chimney at Christmas….anyway I estimated I was in a group of three placed 10th to 12th in the field.

Having turned a loop round at 3k the route back was pleasantly surprising in that it still seemed to have downhills despite the fact I had thought downhill on the out leg. But my lungs were now absolutely on fire with the warm air. In the space of about fifteen minutes the temperature felt like it had gone through the roof so making it back to the finish was a matter of counting down the minutes and the metres in my head to keep it going. In the end I finished in 21:40 and having dropped the other two in my wee pack, ended up with 10th place.


Despite all the talk of up and downhills in the above my Garmin says the course was as flat as a pancake so who knows, I might even try it again next week!

Friday 26 December 2014


A good turnout from the Harriers for todays Turkey Trot. 8 of us ran today in almost perfect conditions. A chilly morning with clear skies and a very slight breeze. Off we started at noon and the first 3k was into that slight breeze which made it feel colder but knowing you would have the advantage of this on the return. For those that don't know the course is 3k along the seafront then turning inland beside the river Doon then heading back towards Ayr centre, a small loop in a housing estate and back again. Its usually not a race for pb's because of the previous days festivities but would be at any other time of the year. Ian Hughes made a rare appearance and was first Harrier home in 39.12. Mark Saez who has been running consistently well this year chased Ian all the way finishing in 39.44.

We had a small gap after this to Graham Ramage who had been only about a minute off Mark after the turn but finishing in 44.00. Next to finish was Graham Lindsay who given another mile or so would surely have caught Graham R as he had closed the gap after half way finishing in 44.28. Next in was our first lady Karen Allen running a great time 46.16 This is a great run considering Karen has now found out she's carrying twins. Next in was our second lady Ruth Kelly with all the miles shes done this year her performances are very strong finishing in 51.34. Next we move on to our newest madman of the club. none other than David Searil who is now in training for the WHW race in June. This being the case David decided on a full 5k warm up race finishing that in 26.13 then running a faster paced 10k in 52.11. That just left myself and after a good opening kilometre I found I had no energy ( the effects of the day before ) but kept pushing and although I was losing pace throughout I managed to finish in 57.29 which is my fastest for 16 months. Thanks also to Sandra and Eddie for cheering us on at the start and finish.

Many photos of the Harriers from Sandra and Eddie are here. Another Harriers' link in the form of Sandra and Eddie's niece, visiting from the USA, who finished second lady in the 5k. Well done to all.

Thursday 25 December 2014


Wishing everyone a merry Christmas. Keep the running going and hope to see everyone at the pub run on Monday night.

On behalf of your committee.


Wednesday 24 December 2014

Christmas greetings

Hi to all the Harriers. It's been great following the exploits of the club on the Blog throuout the year. Some great results and performances. Life down under continues to be the best move we have ever made, with the joy of seeing our granddaughter growing up, and the news of an addition to the family in July or there abouts. We continue to meet people who, as soon as they hear a Scots accent, just want to tell you of their ancestors and where they came from. We hope all Harriers and their families have a very peaceful Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. Run well and prosper! Malcolm & Carolyn

Saturday 20 December 2014


This years Christmas Pub Run will be on the 29th Dec at the earlier time than usual training at 6pm.
Please be at the club ready to run by this time.
For those that have never done this before we run as one big pack at a social pace stopping off at various establishments along the way. The run itself is about 5 miles but broken into several stages.
Bring money for your drink and it will be done as a kitty.  Those on soft drinks the kitty contribution will be less. Stop number six is the Sports Club.


Sunday 14 December 2014

Ho Ho Ho!

The Harriers' Christmas Handicap race added a dash of colour to an otherwise bleak, wet and windy morning in Calderglen Country Park. The quality of fancy dress never fails to impress and indeed many of the 19 participating Harriers were completely unrecognisable. So here is a guide to the photo on the left.

First to start the 4 mile course was Russell Couper dressed as an athlete and from there the transformations from Harrier to goodness knows what got even more bizarre. As many top athletes do, Sandra Reid picked this low key race to make her return to racing after an injury induced absence of several years. Unlike most top athletes, Sandra was dressed as a reindeer! The Santa/reindeer combo was completed by Alison Lessells with a very convincing Santa tummy and Andy Henderson as reindeer number 2.

Continuing the Christmas theme, Richard Lawton was a well decorated tree only missing the fairy from the top in the shape of Neil Green. The battery powered pump keeping Neil's costume inflated was fighting a losing battle against the stormy winds and by the last lap the wind had won as a somewhat deflated Neil continued to "manfully" chase down the field. Although the proper Winter weather was missing, the snowmen were out in force with both Frances Maxwell and Jim Mearns choosing variations on this theme. Jim even managed to do some simulated melting as he shed cotton wool snowballs throughout the race. Also missing the snow were our two penguins, Hugh Simpson and Alastair Crawford. Hugh wins the David Attenborough prize for most realistic animal impression after attempting one of those penguin belly slides up the main drive. Unfortunately it works better on snow than tarmac and, modest as ever, Hugh claims he just tripped over his big webbed feet. Spotted chasing penguins and sticks, Eddie Reid had 101 excuses to justify a better handicap but the Dalmatian did the business around the course (just don't tell the park ranger). The Buchanans were well represented with Billy tooled up for DIY and Andy as the fastest Twinky Winky in the west. Not to be outdone by Andy, Sandy Hayden was persuaded (twice, once before the race and again half way through!) to run as a tiger. Martin Duthie returned to Cool Running form, dread locked to the hilt as a fully sledged Jamaican. Late riser Jim Holmes had a minimal costume this year consisting of a bath robe and shaving foam helping him to a nippy (face) run. We were well represented by our juniors with Batman Emma Lawton flying around the course and fine elf Marc McQuade zipping past the big ones. Finally, from the Land that Time Forgot (which he tells me is somewhere near Falkland in Fife), newly elected club president Kenny Leinster performed well as a very hairy cave man.

These were the contenders but none of them could overhaul a returning to form Russell Couper who was first to cross the line after five hard laps. Sandra Reid was a close second and was very encouraged by her first hard run back. In third place was Richard Lawton chased to the line by daughter Emma. Fastest time of the day was a very close call (subject to a stewards' enquiry over a costume infringement!) with Andy Buchanan and Martin Duthie both recording 23:31 (the stop watch shows Andy 0.1 seconds ahead which he is claiming as a clear victory!). Third fastest was Neil Green in 26:11 proving the costume to be no handicap. Fastest of the girls was Emma Lawton in 27:21 and despite giving away some years to Emma, Frances Maxwell was second fastest in 29:04. Alison Lessells was third fastest in 31:59, not bad at all considering Alison is running for one and a half.

The Christmas Handicap is a special event for the Harriers but is even more special to the Duthie family who we thank for the generous donation in memory of Margaret Anne. The first three finishers named above shall nominate charities to which the donation will be made.

Many thanks to the supporters who braved the terrible weather (and held on to the club tent) to encourage the runners around the course. Official photos should be in the EK News in the coming weeks, courtesy of John McIntyre but thanks to Mandy for the unofficial photos above.
The next Harriers running event is the Pub Run on Monday 29th December. Watch the blog for more details.

Merry Christmas
See the race results on Webscorer
Webscorer - race registration,
race timing, race results

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Christmas Handicap

Just a reminder that our annual Christmas Handicap takes place at the Sports Club this Sunday. The juniors are off at 10am and the seniors at 11am, following our traditional 5 lap (4 mile) fancy dress handicap. Handicap adjustments are possible depending on the quality of the outfit (believe that if you will). For the seniors, please be at the Sports Club changed and ready for 11am so I can work out the starting order. As usual there will be a lucky dip prize draw after the race and of course the winner's trophy presentation. To be eligible for the luck dip a) bring a small value prize and b) complete the race!

Monday 8 December 2014


Anyone looking for some great Christmas gifts let you family know if your looking for something to compliment your running.

Gift Guide online now SHOP NOW

Sunday 7 December 2014

West District XC - An Andy Perspective

Eight Harriers made the journey to Linwood for the West District cross-country.  Weather conditions en route to the venue were not inspiring, dark skies persistent rain and blustery winds.  Arriving at the race around 1pm, I passed by the half dozen club tents sheltering runners whom had already raced.  They stood plastered in mud and shivering in scant shorts and vests but with high spirits. I was glad to at least have an hour before stripping down to racing kit and braving the elements.

The course consisted of different configurations and laps of one large lap, dependant on their gender and age groups, with most races completing at least one full large lap of 2km.  The technical course, though not particularly hilly, presented its challenges with a good range of typical cross-country features.  Tight turns, sections of deep soft mud, and narrow winding boggy sections all requiring strength and good judgement of route selection proving key to save energy, while simultaneously jostling with other runners. Mixed in were a few short hilly drags and short steep sections requiring only 4 or 5 bounds to reach the crests.  A flat firmer section around some football pitches for about 400m also made for faster running or a chance to recover the breathing before moving back to the mud.

The women’s race involved 2 large laps and 1 medium lap to cover a 6400m course already well trodden by hordes of previous younger age category races.  Frances Maxwell ran strongly as is becoming her trait in tough and longer races to finish in time of 30.34. Frances also finished 2nd F50, only 41 seconds behind the top F50 spot.  Karen Allen also ran well to finish in 32.04 and 55th position within the field of 93 making light of the tough underfoot conditions.  When I asked her how the course was I think she replied “its just like running round Bramcumhall”.  I’m not fully inclined to agree with this statement.

The men’s race began an hour later and was to cover 10km consisting of 4 large laps.  I had invested not an ounce of time to familiarising myself with the course and made some tactical errors. Firstly, assuming the first turn was left after the initial start and so positioned myself in the worst possible place as the field swung hard right up a narrow incline.  Secondly, budgeting all my energy towards an 8k race unknowing it was in fact a 10k race.  The first lap, as is usual in a tight winding course, consisted of the usual congestion and jostling for positions amongst the heavy breathing of misguided runners unknowingly plunging deep into anaerobic debt.  Once onto the second and third laps things calmed down with better options available for navigating or skirting the deep boggy sections of the course and taking shorter lines round the numerous tight corners.  After the initial shock of realising I had a further 2km to run I regained myself (just) to finish the course with my second sprint finish of the day in 39.45 and 53rd position.   Next up was Andrew McCafrey proving he must run more than just once a year at the training camp to finish in 42.54.  Next was Andy Henderson in 47.30 and finished 2nd M60.  Jim Holmes completed the course well in 49.07.

Hugh Simpson took no chances with the weather and wrapped himself up head to toe, including wearing his vest over a waterproof jacket, which I found rather amusing. However this was obviously of little hindrance as Hugh finished in 59.09.  Finally Russell resiliently trudged the tough course in 67.39 after three weeks off running and with a back injury but securing valuable points to keep his grand prix campaign dream alive. Thanks to Sandy for the pictures, in the difficult conditions for supporting and photographing!

Thanks to Andy B for the great report and Sandy for the pictures which capture the atmosphere very well indeed! More photos here (note to Andy B; this is Andy McC's second race as he did make it to Cumbernauld..................).


Eight Harriers decided to put themselves through the torture of this years West District xc.
It was a cold wet and windy miserable morning, a day for the duvet really.
Anyway as I said eight of us made our way to Linwood ovder a decade since the last time some of us were there. A new course which consisted of 4 laps for the men and 2.5 laps for the ladies keeping the course within a more confined area. First out the shelter of the sports centre was Frances and Karen with the men staying indoors to keep warm only venturing out when the ladies came past to give a cheer then straight back indoors. Frances kept up her recent good form and ran the 6.4k in 30.34 finishing 41st and 2nd F50. Karen kept on the comeback trail with a fine performance finishing in 32.04 and 55th pos. Apart from any warm ups the men only left the confines of the sports centre 5mins before our start. The course was well cut up by now and the start line was barely visible. Off we went at the usual gallop and as expected I soon seen most of the field in front of me but having not run for 3 weeks it was what I expected and the back wasn't giving me much trouble. I would normally expect to get caught towards the end of lap 2 on a normal 3 lap course but with 4 laps I knew it would be sooner and was getting lapped during lap 2. It was a mostly flat course with a few muddy sharp climbs dotted around and 1st Harrier to complete the 10k was the first of many Andy's.
Andy Buchanan with a time of 39.45 in 53rd, next was Andrew McCafferry 42.54 in 105th followed by Andy Henderson 47.30 in 169th. Jim Holmes kept up some decent form to complete the course in 49.07 in 182nd. We now come to the 2 ever present GP participants for this year. First back was Hugh Simpson obviously feeling the cold as he ran with his jacket on, 59.09 in 220th then Russell Couper 67.39 in 225th. The mens team was 17th. Many thanks to Sandy for taking photos and shouting us on and to the many others that were on the course shouting us on.

Tuesday 2 December 2014


This Saturday 6th Dec is the West District xc Championship
The Ladies start at 1pm with the Men at 2pm.
Ladies should be there for noon and the men for 1pm.
I will pick up the numbers as usual.
Below is a list of those entered and if anyone is no longer running if you can let me know.

F Maxwell, K Allen.
R Couper, A Derrick, A Buchanan, C Steven, H Simpson, J Holmes, A McCaffery and A Henderson.

Competition Information
Event:      Scottish Athletics West District Cross Country Championships
Date:       Saturday 6th December 2014
Venue:     ON-X Linwood, Brediland Road, Linwood, PA3 3RA

Individual medals: 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each race except Masters Over 50 (1st only).
Team medals: 1st, 2nd and 3rd with 3 to count, except Senior Men (6) and Senior Women (4).
There will be team medals for the 1st Masters Team only (3 to count).

Important Notes
The Senior, Masters and Masters O50 races are combined for each gender.
All athletes may count in the Senior championship race (individual and team) as well as their own age category, therefore a Masters’ athlete can count in both the Senior AND Masters individual and team races.
However, a Masters athlete cannot compete in both the O40 and O50 individual championships – only their own age category.
In scoring the Masters team placings, only Masters athletes are considered.

Medals will be presented on the podium (near the Start/Finish area) shortly after each race.
Results will be posted on the Scottish Athletics website.

Postcode for Sat Navs is PA3 3RA.
Travelling on the M8 from Glasgow, go past the airport and exit at junction 28A, then merge onto the A737 (Irvine).
* After 1 mile branch left and at roundabout take the exit for A761 (Bridge of Weir, Linwood).
Continue straight into Linwood following the signs for the On-X Leisure Centre.
Travelling on the A8/M8 from Greenock, leave the M8 at Junction 29 then merge onto the A737 (Irvine), then directions are as above (from *). 

Please follow the directions of the car park marshals, then when on foot follow the signs to the rear of the centre.
Throughout the day, please enter the ON-X centre from the door at the back, NOT the main entrance at the front.
Buses should turn into the sports centre and will then be directed to the old exit road when they can drop off before proceeding around the loop to park at Clippens School.

Declarations are in the indoor sports hall from 10.00am. The hall can also be used as a club meeting area and for baggage. Please remove muddy shoes before entering.
Course maps and race details will be available at Registration and on the Scottish Athletics and Kilbarchan AAC websites one week prior to the race.

Changing and Toilets
Please use Changing Rooms 1-4 (toilets and showers), accessed via the door/corridor at the back of the building.
There are lockers in the changing rooms and in the corridor (£1 coin required).

First Aid
First Aid will be located near the Start/Finish area.

Club Tents
There is ample space for club tents near the Start/Finish area; please follow the signs.

Hot/cold drinks and snacks will be available from the ON-X café.

On the day, please address queries about the race to the Referee or Chief Timekeeper.

Many thanks to all the officials and volunteers for their invaluable and much-appreciated help, and to Kilbarchan AAC for generously hosting the event, plus Renfrewshire Leisure and Renfrewshire Council and the staff of ON-X Linwood.