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Sunday 23 October 2011

Club Entries for the London Marathon 2012

The club has now received 2 entries for the 2012 London Marathon.

Please let myself or Frances know

1) If you applied for an entry to the 2012 London Marathon and had your entry rejected.

2) Let us know if you wish to be considered for a club entry.

3) Let us know before the Brampton Race on the 19th November

Depending on the number of runners who would like a club entry, a ballot will be held during our trip to Brampton.

The rules are the same as for last year's draw.
If a runner received a club entry for this years London Marathon and there are 2 or more other runners who wish to be considered for the club entry, then they will be excluded from this years draw.

1 comment:

Scot said...

Stephen and I both want to be considered for the club entries please. We have both got our rejection leters.