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Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Important Information for parkrun Takeover Volunteers - Please Read

I am sure you are all aware the Harriers takeover of Strathclyde parkrun is Saturday 20 May.  The list of roles has been allocated and this can be viewed on this document (note that these roles have been extensively updated since the first blog post a few weeks ago).  If anyone is not sure of their role please speak to Julie Beveridge and she can answer your questions.  If you are time keeping or barcode scanning you need the parkrun app on your phone as this is used to record the times and to scan the barcodes. It is important that timekeepers and barcode scanners have a fully charged mobile phone with data availability to allow them to upload their results.  Please find attached a few You Tube video links which Strathclyde parkrun have sent to allow those volunteering for these roles to see what they need to do.

https://youtu.be/BY3af-7Ol5A  This is the link to the virtual volunteer app video

https://youtu.be/G4-oPTHBVgc This is the link to the timekeeper video

https://youtu.be/nRrD_q_7Ip8 This is the link to the barcode scanning video

We would ask that all those who are volunteering be at Strathclyde park for 9.00am. I am sure most of you will know where the parkrun starts but if you are not sure it is just past car park 4 at the boathouse side of the park.  If anyone can no longer manage then we do have a sufficient number of volunteers and can cover their position. If you do need to withdraw can you let Julie or Alison know in plenty of time.

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