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Monday, 29 May 2023

Final Grand Prix Races

We have the final 3 events to close out the Grand Prix for 2023. As announced on the blog a while ago, the Chatelherault World Championships will be on Monday 5th June as part of normal training and the Vertical Mile will be on Thursday 15th June as part of normal training.

That leaves the Victoria Park parkrun double bill. There are two eligible runs of which the first (or only one) that each Harrier does is the one that counts. After both parkruns have taken place, the official parkrun times will be gathered and the GP score worked out from that. The two eligible dates are Saturday 3rd June and Saturday 10th June. This adds a further strategic complexity for those who are considering playing jokers as your joker situation may change between the two dates depending on how you perform at Chatelherault. It's like chess but just a bit more difficult.


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