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Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Club Training Thursday 11th May

Another 10k specific session this Thursday. The session is 8 x 3 mins at 10k pace with 2 mins jog recovery (note that we are reducing the recovery compared to previous 3 min reps). Consistency is the name of the game as always and to aid that once again the route is "relatively" flat.

Warm up easily through the glen to Langlands corner. Start the reps there and head past the Langlands clubhouse to Auldhouse Cross. Go straight through the Cross and turn right onto Shields Rd and past the Kennels. Carry on to Greenhills Rd and turn right back to the club via Strathaven Rd. When you look back on your data, except maybe for the first rep when you are quite fresh, the HR should be stable and constant for most of the reps, climbing a little for the final rep or two (at least for those wearing an HR chest strap; wrist based HR could be all over the place if the watch is not tight against the wrist).


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