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Sunday 6 June 2021

Club Training Monday 7th June

It's threshold Monday for a change. Trying to spread the threshold sessions out to give plenty of time to recover, so that means one such session every 10 to 14 days.

This week we are on 3 x 9 minutes at threshold with 3 minutes jog recovery. For those doing a threshold session for only the first or second time, please do only 2 x 9 minutes with 3 minutes jog recovery. 

What is threshold? It is the level of effort you could sustain for 1 hour in a race situation. It's not a pace as such because the pace depends on whether you are going up hill, downhill, into the wind or with a tail wind. However, the level of effort is the same irrespective and is the level of effort which is controlled discomfort or you could gasp out 3 or 4 words but certainly not hold a conversation. For those who wear a chest strap heart rate monitor, when you download the session to Garmin Connect, the heart rate should be pretty constant, confirming that your effort is constant throughout the effort.

For the route, run through the glen to the tunnel and climb up the bank onto the Strathaven Rd and run out to the Crutherland and then onto the country road. Start the session at our usual 90 degree corner. Turn right when you reach the junction with Leaburn Rd and run all the way along Leaburn Rd until it eventually veers right and downhill. At the bottom of the hill, turn right on Auldhouse Rd and then immediately left past the kennels and along Shields Rd back to the fingerposts and then Greenhills Rd. Run back to Strathaven Rd and back to the club.


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