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Sunday 6 December 2020

Training Monday 7th December

Continuing on our strength training phase, tomorrow is another hilly threshold, this time at the College Milton loop around Glenburn Road. As mentioned a few weeks ago, a threshold session really only works if you arrive at the first rep with a bit of distance in the legs already. So if possible do please do the full warm-up from the club to Glenburn Road. 

The session is 3 complete loops in an anti-clockwise direction. The threshold effort (3 word effort, controlled discomfort, effort level you could maintain for a 1 hour race) starts at the small roundabout at the bottom of the steep hill on Glenburn Road and continues up that hill, turn left at the top of the hill and keep that effort going until you get to the end of that top section of road before you turn left and downhill again. The jog recovery section is all of that down-hill stage until you come back to the roundabout at the bottom of the steep section of hill. Regroup into your pack during that long downhill recovery jog.

The temperatures are forecast to be just above freezing tomorrow evening. If it turns out that the pavements and roads are too icy to do this session, please decide within your pack whether to do the above or not. The suggested alternative session would be to use the Sainsbury's loop for an easy run in packs as described in last Thursday's session blog post.


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