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Wednesday 8 March 2017


Hi there

Im writing from The Edge Picture Company. We are looking to film runners for an upcoming project we are working on. We are looking for 2 runners, a female and a male, around 30 years old that will be free one day early next week for a day’s shoot; we are currently looking at filming Tuesday 14th.
At this stage we are looking into filming in the Glencoe area with a local director/cameraman and the shoot is likely to be quite a long day from 7-7 but we would be paying £300 per person for your time. We may, to make life easier for everyone, decide to put everyone up in a local hotel the night before (evening of Monday 13th), if this is the case we will be paying for the hotel, evening meal and all meals the following day whilst your on set with us.
Are you able to kindly pass this along to see if anyone will be interested in taking part or know of anyone who will be up for it?
If anyone would like further details, please kindly email me or call back!
Thank you!
Kind regards,
Angelina Pekova

Angelina Pekova
Production Runner
The Edge Picture Company
20-22 Shelton Street
London, WC2H 9JJ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm available and sure I can pass for a 30 year old