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Saturday 23 July 2016

Volunteers to Paint and Decorate

Those who have made training will have noticed that there has been a considerable amount of voluntary effort from various sections of the sports club in recent weeks, cleaning, clearing, painting and decorating many areas of the sports club building. At the Sports Club Management committee meeting on Thursday, the Harriers committed to helping out with this task.

We have been allocated the task of redecorating the small corridor (walls and ceiling) which leads through from the back of the bar to the kitchen area. I can't imagine this will take a handful of people more than 3 or 4 hours to do. Many hands make light work.

If you can give up the time some weekend or through the week and know which end of a paint brush to hold, please leave your name here, indicating when you could be available. Kenny will then be in touch to arrange access to the building and provision of materials.

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