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Sunday, 23 July 2023

Club Training Monday 24th July

Martin tells me the Glen is very overgrown. Therefore you may want to head to the Crutherland via Crutherland Gate. Do not run on the Strathaven Rd except for the unavoidable short section from the Crutherland Hotel to the back road junction. 


Monday's session is a threshold session but slightly easier than the previous threshold session as the session has been split up into shorter reps. The session is 6 x 5 minutes with 2 minutes jog recovery. Remember that threshold is a level of effort, not a pace. Just because the reps are shorter, do not go faster. Imagine I had said 2 x 15 minutes threshold i.e. still 30 minutes total duration. The effort level for each rep should be the same as if that was the session. So this will be the effort that you could maintain for about 1 hour in race conditions which means somewhere between 10 mile and 10k effort for most in the club.

The route is reasonably flat. Warm-up through the glen, up onto the road at the Crutherland and around to the corner on the back road where we usually start reps. The first rep will be the toughest one with the hill up to Leaburn Rd but remember it is a level of effort, not a pace, so slow right down on the hill to keep the effort constant. Turn right on Leaburn Rd and carry on to the turning for Auldhouse, go down the hill into the dip and up to Auldhouse Cross (again controlling the effort on the uphill). Turn right at Auldhouse Cross and back via Langlands and Sainsburys to the Strathaven Rd and the club.


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