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Sunday 1 September 2024

Club Training Monday 2nd September

Continuing the contrast between strength/speed and endurance in this current, pre-race season block of training, Monday's session is a threshold session of relatively short reps (for threshold at least). The session is 4 x 6 minutes at threshold. Remember that irrespective of whether we are doing 4 x 6, 2 x 12 or 1 x 24 minutes at threshold, the effort level and hence pace is the same. So please do not be tempted to run 6 minute reps as fast as you can and do hold the pace/effort back to comfortably hard. Threshold should be 2 or 3 word talking effort level or a level you could keep going for about 1 hour in a race, so 4 x 6 minutes should be very much under control. The recovery after each 6 minute rep is a 2 minute jog. This session will be around the Sainsburys loop in a clockwise direction, starting the first rep just past Sainsdbury's entrance gate as usual. Moderate the pace on the uphill and downhills to keep the effort level constant.

Finally, remember that Thursday is the September Auldhouse 5k, the final one of the year. Attendance at the time trials has been excellent this year, so lets keep the trend going for the final one. This final one starts/finishes in Auldhouse, mainly so that I can stand under a lamp post to see the timing/results!


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