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Wednesday 18 September 2024

Club Training Thursday 19th September

As many in the club will be at the TTC over the weekend clocking up relatively high miles on successive days, Thursday's run is a relatively short easy run. The route is Strathaven Rd to Greenhills Rd. Follow Greenhills Rd to Greenhills roundabout and then go down Lickprivick and back to the club via the Murray. This is an easy run, which means keeping it under control, maintaining a lowish heart rate/conversational pace.


Sunday 15 September 2024

TTC 2024 Final Arrangements

With only a few days until the TTC all arrangements are in place. For those who have not been on a TTC before, don't worry! We will look after you.

The Venue
We are booked into the Dreadnought Hotel, Station Rd, Callander FK17 8AN. The hotel stands on the corner of Main St (Leny Rd) and Station Rd and cannot be missed. The hotel car park is around the back of the hotel. Drive past the main door of the hotel (with the two lions either side of the door) and then turn left up the narrow alley up the side of the hotel beside the fire escapes. The car park is quite small and there will be other guests, so if possible share cars and park close together (THREE OF THE  HARRIERS (RUSSELL, BILLY & KENNY) ARE IN ANOTHER HOTEL. THEY HAVE BEEN ADVISED SEPARATELY BY E-MAIL).

This is still about. Anyone with symptoms of COVID and/or has a positive test should follow the usual advice and withdraw. There will be other guests in the hotel, so please be respectful and give others adequate space.

Check-in is from 1600 until 22:30 at the latest (the hotel is not permanently staffed so do not turn up early. It's only the manager so its a bit limited). I will be providing the hotel manager with the rooming list and he will allocate the rooms. I will be there anyway from about 1600 to sort out any issues. As long as one of each pair is there in time to check-in that should be fine. The critical point this year is that we have not got a late check-out. Check-out on Sunday is strictly 11am, otherwise we will be charged for late check-out. The Sunday runs have been adjusted accordingly to make sure that we are back well before the check-out time to have showers etc.

The rooms are twin rooms with TV, tea, coffee and a kettle provided. There is an en-suite bath and/or shower in each room and towels. The hotel is a no-smoking establishment. The rooms are all smoke/fire alarmed. Stating the obvious, nobody should bring cooking or other apparatus (e.g. toasters) into the rooms due to the risk of setting off the alarm/sprinkler system (anyone doing so accidentally will be subject to whichever charges the hotel/fire brigade impose).

Thanks to those who responded with their dinner choices. I am still waiting on two to respond (and have messaged separately) as the list needs to collated (which takes time and I now have to squeeze that in in the evenings after work) and forwarded to the Lade Inn well in advance of Friday. Dinner is at 19:30 on Friday and Saturday. The Lade Inn is just over 1 mile from the Dreadnought Hotel and there is a pavement the whole way for those who wish to walk. Otherwise we will share cars to/from the Lade Inn. A printed list of who ordered what will be available on each night if you can't remember.

This is a bit of a severe compromise, (the hotel does not have a kitchen they can give us access to for fridges as the bar/restaurant/kitchen has been leased out to a separate business). The hotel does not do breakfasts. So it is the same arrangements as last year. We will provide basic breakfast goods (croissants, marmalade/jam/spread and some porridge pots to which boiling water can be added). We will distribute this from Eddie's room (room number to be advised). Please bring your own plate and cutlery to Eddie's room to collect your breakfast each morning (we will advise the time that Eddie will be "receiving guests"). Bring your own spoon and knife and anything you may require. Return to your room and take your breakfast there. You can of course bring some additional breakfast goods of your own if you have particular preferences but no toasters as this will set off the fire alarms and sprinklers in the rooms!!!! Given the huge size of the portions at the Lade Inn, nobody should really need more than a light, pre-run top-up at breakfast the following morning before or after running. However, for those back in time from the Saturday morning run, I believe the privately run restaurant (McNabs Bar) which now occupies the hotel bar is open for breakfasts (not included in the TTC costs).

Saturday Lunch
Again, a bit of a compromise. We will give everyone a fiver to get your own meal deal from Tesco, the Coop or to spend in any of Callander's many eateries. This has worked well the past two years and the weather should be good for eating al fresco by the riverside. 

T-shirts and Team Photo
The TTC-shirts will be handed out by Frances first thing on the Saturday morning. We will gather outside the hotel for a team photo, resplendent in the T-shirts at about 0815 on Saturday morning. Please be there on time.

The Runs/Sessions
Yes, we will be doing quite a lot of running! All runs are in packs. There are four packs of different abilities. Based on training/injury status, I have drafted initial packs. The pack leaders will be keeping an eye on how everyone is managing and may recommend individuals move up or down a pack before each run. The most important point is that the packs will stick together and nobody will be left on their own. As some of the runs will be "in the middle of nowhere" nobody should run away from their pack if they think it is too slow as the possibility of getting lost is high and we don't have time or energy to go looking for people. Just wait until the next run and you can move up to a faster pack. For those in Eddie's pack, Eddie hasn't done the recce this year as he is in the USA. "What difference will that make to Eddie's navigation" I here you say! Probably none 😁

Your pack leaders will take you through a stretching session after each run. Please do this as it will help ease you off before the next run/session.
The first run is on Friday evening, starting at about 17:30. The pre-run briefings will be outside the hotel or in the foyer. If you are going to be late or won't make the Friday run, please let me know in advance (07867863741).

At about 0830 on Saturday, we will do a medium/long run.
Early Saturday afternoon, we will be doing a conditioning, drills and stretching session in the nearby church hall. Please bring a yoga mat or a thick towel as the wooden floor is hard.
On Saturday afternoon we will do a "fun relay" type speed session on grass if the ground has dried out enough. I will also give a brief talk on training if time allows.

At about 0745 on Sunday, we will set off on the longer run. Note that the runs are not weather dependent!
A more detailed timetable will be announced on the Friday evening.

What to Bring
  • Cutlery for breakfasts
  • Yoga/exercise mat for the conditioning sessions in the church hall.
  • Enough running gear for all the runs and sessions. I don't trust any of the forecasts this Summer, so be prepared for warm and/or wet weather. Bring a running jacket (body cover to counteract wind chill and exposure is the main thing here rather than keeping dry) just in case.
  • The runs will be on a mixture of road and forestry trails. Road shoes will be fine for most of the runs. The exception is perhaps the "fun relay" which will be on grass. You may wish to bring studded trail shoes for that although road shoes will also be OK if you don't have trail shoes.
  • A bum bag or small running back pack to carry gels, water, your jacket and mobile phone for emergencies. Don't bring a big rucksack as that will only handicap you. Only the Sunday run is long enough to require gels/water to be carried.
  • Water bottle/carrier and gels if you think you will need them.
  • Sunscreen if the forecast looks favourable.
  • Glad rags for the Lade Inn dinners.
  • Any medication or special food you require (and please let your room mate know where that medication is just in case they have to fetch it for you).
I have probably forgotten something. If you have any questions, please let me know (w.alan.derrick@gmail.com)


Club Training Monday 16th September - Brancumhall

As we head into the cross-country season, the Harriers of all ages are starting their cross-country sessions. The juniors were training on Saturday at the Showpark and now it is the turn of the seniors at our regular location at Brancumhall. Cross country is a key part of winter training, building strength (because you get no rebound off the soft ground, all forward motion has to come from muscle strength) which makes us stronger runners on all surfaces, whether it is road, trail, track or cross-country. The surface is also kind on the legs, despite being hard and at least I generally find I have fewer aches and pains the day after a cross-country session than I would after the same session on a firm or hard surface. By the way, Brancumhall is rarely anything but soft for those who have not run there before!

For the logistics of the Brancumhall sessions, ideally you need your normal road shoes to run to and from Brancumhall and something more suitable for soft ground, such as trail shoes, fell shoes or cross-country spikes. Usually someone will put all the off-road shoes in the boot of their car and take them from the Sports Club to Brancumhall.

The session is 5 x 1 lap of Brancumhall at 4k to 5k race effort with a 90 seconds recovery. Each full lap of Brancumhall around the outside of all the pitches is approximately 800m, so this is 5 x 800m. Remember that the pace for each lap is the pace that you could hold for 5 laps continuously. So don't go too fast on each rep. It should feel relatively comfortable to run one lap at a time with a 90 second rest afterwards. The biggest mistake that most of us make is going too fast during reps because we get the benefit of a recovery after each rep. That's not the way to do it. Run under control and feel that when you get to the end of each rep, you could keep going for multiple laps at the same pace.


Saturday 14 September 2024

40th Anniversary Video - Davy Watt

This is the fourth in the series of videos with Harriers new and old to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Calderglen Harriers. Davy Watt is interviewed in this one. Davy is one of the original members of the Harriers and is the only one to achieve a full Scotland senior international vest at marathon.


40th Anniversary Video - Allan McLellan

The third in the series of videos to celebrate Calderglen Harriers' 40th Anniversary is with Allan Mclellan, one of the top performers for the Harriers from the earliest days of the Harriers.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Club Training Thursday 12th September

Sorry for the delay, I'm away with work all week and lost track of the days.
Thursday is a repeat of last week's threshold but on a different loop. 

The session is 4 x 6mins at threshold with 2 minutes jog recovery at the Stewartfield loop. The reps start on Stewartfield Crescent at the junction with Stewartfield Road and proceed in a clockwise direction. Warm up/cool down via West Mains Rd and Stewartfield Rd.


Tuesday 10 September 2024

Performance and PB Awards

 Just a wee reminder about our PB and performance awards. Our season for obtaining PB/performance standards runs in line with our Grand Prix season from 1st October to 30th September so if you have gained PBs or performance standards in 3 separate events during this time then remember to fill in and submit the forms for it which can be found on the left. Or if you’ve got 2 pb’s or performance standards then you’ve still got a couple of weeks left to try and get your 3rd.

Performance standards can also be viewed at the link on left. 

Sunday 8 September 2024

Club Training Monday 9th September

Monday's session is a progression of the hill rep session but using one of our winter hills; Avondale.

The session format is also slightly different. The session is 10 x Avondale from our usual start point on the wide pavement with the fastest Harriers running all the way to the junction into Avondale Place which is the first junction on the right at the top of the hill. On reaching that point, turn around and start jogging down. When the Harriers still running up the hill meet the Harriers jogging down, then they should also turn around and jog down. So only the fastest Harriers go all the way to the top of the hill.

Again, we are aiming for a 4k/5k level of effort. This is a long hill which starts steep and then flattens a bit towards the top, making it possible to maintain a good pace despite tiring legs towards the end of each rep.

The warm-up is Strathaven Rd to the NEL roundabout. Down Churchill Avenue and around Lidl and turning right into Avondale. During the reps, please stay on the pavement on the right hand side until well round the corner as traffic tends to come down that hill  and round that blind corner quite fast.

Thursday's session will be a threshold session again. Next Monday (16th September) will be the first of the Brancumhall XC sessions of the season. See a separate post next weekend for details of that.


Wednesday 4 September 2024

Club Training Thursday 5th September - Auldhouse 5k TT.

Thursday is the final Auldhouse 5k of the year and weather conditions look good (by the standards of this Summer). This one starts and finishes in Auldhouse so needs a slightly different judgement of pace with a hilly second half. Register as normal as this list forms the start list on the timing system. Wear something briggt/reflective as it will be dark by the finish.
See you there. 

40th Anniversary Interviews - Kai Wheeler

 In the next of our interview series Richard Lawton has interviewed junior member Kai Wheeler. Kai has been a member with us since 2015 and is also a brilliant photographer. For those that don’t know it was Kai who took the 40 formation photos for us that we are using to promote our 40th anniversary.

Tuesday 3 September 2024


Our first cross country outing this year will be the West District relays on 5th Oct. This is also the first race of the 2024/2025 Calderglen Harriers Grand Prix, so a good opportunity to get early points on the board.

For those new to the club please ask at the club for details of these events as there will be a whole host of cross country races coming up over the whole winter season.

The venue is at Ayrshire athletics arena (Kilmarnock).

Ladies over 3 legs and Men over 4 (4k per leg)

Cost is £7 per head

Ladies start at 13.00 and Men at 14.15

I need names by Tuesday 17th September

Please make sure your SA number is up to date both at entry time and for the competition date.

If you wish entered please leave your name HERE those already registered are listed HERE.

We will run partial teams if the numbers do not add up, so don't worry if it looks like there is not enough for a team. Enter anyway and you will get a run.

Calderglen Harriers 40th Anniversary Photo Album

An album has been created to collect photos capturing the Harriers in all the things we do and have done in the period since the 25th anniversary album was released (see the Calderglen 25 Archive link in the menu to the left of the blog for all the early stuff).

The 40th Anniversary Album is here and is also available via the Calderglen 40 Archive link in the menu on the left. Please feel free to join the album and add photos of the Harriers. I have added a few to get started and shall gradually add more from the 100's I have. For future reference, when you add a photo, could you please click the info button and fill in the description with where it is, what the event is and who is in the photo.


Monday 2 September 2024

Calderglen Harriers 40th Anniversary Ceilidh


We would like to invite all current and former members plus partners to a ceilidh to celebrate our 40th anniversary on Saturday 26th October at 7pm. Please pass this info on to former harriers you are still in touch with.

Please RSVP to calderglenharriers@outlook.com

Sunday 1 September 2024

Club Training Monday 2nd September

Continuing the contrast between strength/speed and endurance in this current, pre-race season block of training, Monday's session is a threshold session of relatively short reps (for threshold at least). The session is 4 x 6 minutes at threshold. Remember that irrespective of whether we are doing 4 x 6, 2 x 12 or 1 x 24 minutes at threshold, the effort level and hence pace is the same. So please do not be tempted to run 6 minute reps as fast as you can and do hold the pace/effort back to comfortably hard. Threshold should be 2 or 3 word talking effort level or a level you could keep going for about 1 hour in a race, so 4 x 6 minutes should be very much under control. The recovery after each 6 minute rep is a 2 minute jog. This session will be around the Sainsburys loop in a clockwise direction, starting the first rep just past Sainsdbury's entrance gate as usual. Moderate the pace on the uphill and downhills to keep the effort level constant.

Finally, remember that Thursday is the September Auldhouse 5k, the final one of the year. Attendance at the time trials has been excellent this year, so lets keep the trend going for the final one. This final one starts/finishes in Auldhouse, mainly so that I can stand under a lamp post to see the timing/results!


TTC Menu Choices

Hi All

Everyone who is registered for the TTC has been sent an e-mail with the Lade Inn menu choice form for the Friday and Saturday dinners. However, a few of the messages bounced back as they were suspected of being spam, so I am repeating the message here just in case you didn't get the e-mail.

Dear TTC participants

It is once more that time to make one of the biggest decisions of the TTC Training Camp; what to have for dinner. For those who have been before, there will be a sense of familiarity with the menu and you may already know what your choices are. However, could everyone please fill in this form with your menu choices as soon as possible and certainly before the end of Sunday 15th September. Due to our very large group, I have to compile the menu choices and get them to the Lade Inn several days in advance.

The menu containing more details is here: Lade Inn menu.

Remember that your TTC entry fee includes two courses which can either be a a starter and main or a main and dessert. Select "none" for the course you are not taking. You can also select three courses on either or both nights (I am) and Russell will collect the extra money for that on the night of each meal. Finally, there is an option at the end of the form to receive an e-mail of your menu choices. I will have a list of all the choices made with me on the night of each meal too.
