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Thursday 18 July 2024

Club Training Thursday 18th July

In contrast to Monday's long, hard reps, Thursday is an easy to steady long run using the uphills as the steady (i.e. harder effort) and the flat and down hills as more relaxed effort. The harder efforts are just a slight increase in effort to maintain an even pace rather than picking up the pace as you would in a hill rep.

The route starts out Strathaven Rd to Greenhills Rd and then all the way along Greenhills Rd to the fingerposts. Follow the long straight section of Shields Rd. After passing all the houses on your right take the second on the right (i.e. the one after Jackton Rd) and then first left to start the climbing. Keep following this road which eventually turns left onto Auldhouse Rd and follow it all the way back into Auldhouse. Carry on through Auldhouse Cross to Langlands, Sainsburys and finally back on to the Strathaven Rd. This is a  traditional Harriers Summer run route, so good to get it in whilst the nights are light enough. As with most of our Auldhouse runs, the benefit from this route comes from the hills and the strength endurance these sorts of routes develop which make the Harriers very strong runners compared to those in many other clubs.


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