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Sunday 28 July 2024

Club Training Monday 29th July

Monday's session is a Threshold Monday (I know, it's usually Thursday but I've switched them due to Thursday being the final daylight Auldhouse TT of the year and a forecast for possibly the best weather conditions so far this year!).

Remember that threshold sessions only work if there is high volume (i.e. long total duration) and a very close control of the effort. The aim is for the efforts to be no more than comfortably hard with two to three words being possible throughout each rep. The session is 2 x 10 minutes with a 3 minute jog recovery. Do this session starting the first rep from the corner on the back road across from the Crutherland. Therefore the warm-up is through the glen to the Strathaven Rd and then up past the Crutherland. The first rep carries on from the corner to Leaburn Rd. Turn left and then right and climb up to the next junction and turn right. Follow this top road along the cross roads. Go straight through the cross roads and follow the road which turns right and rejoins Leaburn Rd. Turn right on Leaburn Rd and then left and down to Auldhouse Cross. Turn right at Auldhouse Cross and back to the club via Langlands.

(PS - those who were racing on Sunday, do not do this session as a rep session. Instead run it as an easy recovery run and at the point where those doing the first rep turn left on Leaburn Rd, you should turn right and then after Leaburn, turn right again and back to the club via Park Farm).


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