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Sunday 16 June 2024

Club Training Monday 17th June

Monday's session is 8 x 3 minutes at 10k race pace/effort with a 2 minute jog recovery. The route is along Strathaven Rd and around by Sainsbury's to the 90 degree bend at the bottom of the hill just after the Auldhouse 5k start. The reps start at this corner. From there run up past Park Farm and turn left on Leaburn Rd and then immediately right to climb up to the crossroads where you should turn right again. Follow the road until it comes all the way back down to Leaburn Rd. Turn right and left and down and up to Auldhouse Cross. Turn right at Auldhouse Cross and back towards Langlands (if the boardwalk is open, take that route, otherwise come back via Langlands Club House, Sainsburys and Strathaven Rd. This is a very traditional Harriers summer rep loop!

Remember that the final race of the Grand Prix, The Vertical Mile, is on Thursday. There are still places to play for. Once again, I will be away with my work, so I would need a couple of volunteers to start the race and take times and results at the top. Let me know. It should not take more than two people! (first volunteer is Eddie, so one more needed, first come, first served! ). 


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