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Sunday, 3 December 2023

Club Training Monday 4th December

Monday's session is an XC session on the Golf Course, unless the snow and ice clears through the day in which case it will be a similar session at Brancumhall. The session uses the downhill/uphill loop around the 1st and 17th fairways (1st is downhill, parallel to the line of trees, around the last tree in the line and then back up the 17th on the opposite side of the line of trees, cutting back through to the 1st at the top. The reps and recoveries are continuous around this loop as follows:

4 x 3 mins at 10k race effort, 3 min jog recoveries + 4 x 2 mins at 5k race effort, 2 min jog recoveries + 4 x 1 mins at slightly faster than 5k race effort, 1 mins jog recoveries. Warm up with the usual lap until you reach the start point towards the end of the usual lap. Cool down by completing the short remaining section of the lap to the rugby pitches.

If the snow/ice has gone, then do the same session but using the usual, full Brancumhall lap.

This session is a VO2max development session and will be quite hard work in comparison to say a threshold session. Wish I was there!



Kenny said...

Allan, that was a great session. Thank you.

CoachAD said...

Thanks Kenny. I wasn't sure what the ground conditions would be like so this session was one that would work anywhere.