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Sunday, 30 April 2023

WHW Relay Pick-up Times

For those not already aware, Eddie has set the pick-up times for Saturday 13th May as follows:

WHW Relay Pick-Up Times 2023 (Satuday 13th May)
NameTime (am)Location
Russell03:50main road
Julia P03:50Greenhills Roundabout
Gordon03:55Anywhere as last year!
Julie T04:00Kwikfit
Geo04:05Bus stop Queensway
Frances04:05Bus stop Queensway
Richard04:05Bus stop Queensway
Alan04:10Bus stop main rd
Jim M04:10Bus stop main rd
Stephen04:15Markethill roundabout

Any vagueness in the locations is entirely intentional. 

1 comment:

Malcolm Buchanan said...

Have a great weekend.