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Sunday, 2 April 2023

Club Training Monday 3rd April

After fine performances at the Tom Scott and further afield, Monday is an easy post-race run (Thursday will be threshold reps but of shorter rep duration than recently, again to aid with recovery and to start tapering down for those with pending marathons!).

The session is an easy, conversational run. Its not quite light enough for long enough to hit a full country road run, but we shall touch the country roads. The route is: Strathaven Rd to Sainsburys to Langlands Club House. Continue towards Auldhouse but take the first right before entering Auldhouse along the short road and then right again heading back into the new houses and on to the fingerposts. From there run to Greenhills Rd and turn right, following Greenhills Rd back to Strathaven Rd and the club.

Keep it easy and conversational.

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