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Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Club Training Thursday 6th April

It's a threshold Thursday but breaking the session up into shorter reps than we have recently built up to. The total duration of threshold reps remains at the level we have built up to. By breaking the session up, we get more frequent recoveries and overall the session should result in less fatigue than a smaller number of longer reps.

The session is 5 x 6 minutes at threshold with 2 mins jog recovery. 

The important point is that the effort and pace should feel the same as if the session was 3 x 10 minutes or 2 x 15 minutes. i.e. don't get faster just because the reps are shorter which would defeat the purpose of the session.

Do the session at Carron Place which means warming up via the Murray roundabout and Kelvin Rd. Cool down via Greenhills Rd and Strathaven Rd.


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