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Sunday 21 February 2021

Training (solo) Monday 22nd February

As we come out of Winter through March (hopefully), we will be gradually transitioning away from strength (hills) and back towards speed endurance (i.e. longer reps at a decent pace and reasonably long recoveries). However, for the moment, this Monday is the monthly 10k pace session. 

12 x 400m at 10k pace with 30 seconds recovery. 

As usual, the important point is to hit the same time for every rep; no prizes for finishing fast and crumpled in a heap. The aim is to use just enough effort to have the desired training effect and to be able to recover for the rest of your training throughout the week. As the total rep distance is less than half of the race distance (10k), nobody should have any problem completing all 12 reps. If you do struggle to complete all 12 reps, then that suggests the pace is too fast for your current level of fitness. So keep the pace under control.


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