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Tuesday 3 July 2018

Tattie Race Silverknowes Edinburgh

Well that's that one over! Tattie race in Edinburgh. Initially thought it might be a good idea, but then realized that I would be carrying 20 kilos of tatties or over 3 stone in old money. I was concerned whether I could run with them as never tried it, and also, would I injure myself doing it?
It was 4 x out and back (200mtr out and the same back). As it turns out that was good news breaking it into sections. Started slow with about 20 ahead of me, but picked them off as they ground to a walk. Think I finished 8th.
Next year.....Maybe?

I hadn't realized when I had entered it, but there was a 5k and a 10k earlier in the day. A fast flat course and ideal for PB searchers.

1 comment:

CoachAD said...

Certainly a first for the Harriers and perhaps will remain both the first and last! An unusual type of strength training but probably quite effective. Well done George.