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Saturday 23 April 2016

When the Harriers met Paula ...... Part 2

Sandy and Paula. Twins?
Good luck to Sandra, Julie and Nigel running London tomorrow and our team of supporters (Eddie, Sandy, Samantha, Mary and probably many others).

Look who Eddie bumped into on the underground!

Whilst our runners were busy preparing for the race and steadying the nerves, the support team seem to be taking every opportunity to mix with the stars.

Sandra smashes through the wall


Martin Duthie said...

All the best everyone tomorrow. Looks like Paula was a lot easier to catch this year compared to last year. Wish I was there, definitely next year.


russell couper said...

I was thinking of a speech bubble for Paula and Eddie. It goes something like this. Will someone get this stalker away from me. Seriously though good luck to everyone running.