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Friday 12 March 2021

Club Training Night Booking Form is Live (again)

As Richard advised, we are starting group training again on Mondays and Thursdays as of Monday 15th March. The form for booking your place on training is available via the "Covid 19 Training & Booking Forms" link at the top of the blog. You will also find the instructions on how to use the form there. The important points to note are that a) the form does not transmit your entry through to the packs spreadsheet after 18:30 on the day of training - so please be fill it in early and b) please spell your name correctly otherwise the formula will not pick your entry up.

This time around, formal training sessions for our sport are allowed to have up to 15 people at any one venue, maintaining social distancing (2m side-by-side or 5m in-line). This includes the before, during and after phases of the training session. 

For most of our group training sessions last year we had about 12 to 15 runners, so we would usually be OK training at one venue. However, occasionally we had more than 15. To allow for that eventuality, the description of each session on the blog will propose two training venues; Venue 1 and Venue 2. When all the names for each session are submitted, if there are more than 15 names, I will also put Venue 1 or Venue 2 beside each pack such that approximately half the packs use one venue and half the other venue. If there are less than 15 names, then all packs will train at Venue 1.

For those meeting at the Sports Club, we have to maintain the maximum groups of 15 there too and no inter mixing between those groups. Therefore, the committee is suggesting that, for example, the training Venue 1 people park and meet in the Sports Club car park and the Venue 2 people park and meet in the Golf Club/zoo car park. I will confirm that on the training session blog post too. The Sports Club is still closed anyway so it is no handicap to be parking at the golf club.

The exact text from the Scottish Athletic guidance is:

  • Those aged 12+ and over can take part in organised athletics training, group exercise and competition within their usual club or facility environment.
  • Group (i.e. bubble) sizes of up to 15 people, including coaches and officials, are permitted at any one time.
  • Physical distancing should be maintained at all times.
  • Where there are multiple bubbles operating at the same venue risk assessments must be completed to ensure there can be no mixing of participants before, during or after the activity.

I am also going to be refreshing the pack list as Harriers have moved up and down in terms of fitness and injury status. As always, if you find you are struggling in a pack or are not being pushed enough, let me know and I will adjust the packs for the next session.



Davie Searil said...

Most of the club car park was still fenced off on Wednesday morning, does anyone know if it is fully open again?

Anonymous said...

Just the first part of the car park open for now. Weather has held up the rest but will get an update.
