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Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Club Training Thursday 9th February

It's a threshold Thursday this week. No surprise there! Once again we return to the Stewartfield loop via the usual route (I prefer doing long reps like this on a long loop rather than loads of short laps; but others may think differently). The session is 5 x 6 mins at threshold with a 2 min jog recovery. This is our longest total duration yet and we won't really be going any further than this.

As always, the session only works if it is done at the correct effort level i.e. 2 or 3 word effort ("I'm all right" or "away you go"!). If you can't talk at all, its too fast. If you can hold a conversation its not fast enough. If you have a heart rate monitor chest strap, your HR should remain absolutely steady after the initial minute or so of build up, corresponding to a constant effort but your pace will go up and down depending on the slope of the pavement, head wind or tail wind. Gradually accelerate up to the effort level; too fast too soon and you will over stretch yourself and not be able to sustain the correct effort.


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