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Friday 28 December 2018

Festive fun in the sun

Having to wear sunglasses on the drive down the A77 to Ayr on Boxing Day augured well for the day ahead, and so it was to prove. Five harriers made that sunny journey along with friends, family and supporters for a very pleasant day out doon the watter.
As is becoming my habit I was the trailblazer and arrived before anyone to take part in the 5k although Ian Hughes was there early enough to give me a shout out just after the start. I ran a rather lethargic 25.21 without ever feeling 'in the mood' and only half-heartedly trying to hold off a much younger guy in a race for the line - not even Stuart and Maud's welcome encouragement could help me win that one. I was 36th out of 128 runners, only realising at home later I was first MV60 and one place ahead of the leading MV50! The winners were Mark Porter of Bellahouston Harriers and Emma Frew of Ayr Seaforth in 18.52 and 20.09 respectively.
There followed many sweaty (sorry about that folks) hugs with the wider harriers' contingent who were by now arriving for the main event.
Clearly having needed a lengthy warm-up I proceeded to run the 10k at a slightly faster pace than I had the 5k although the competition with fellow harriers was more likely responsible. I had settled in about twenty meters behind Gordon until Billy drew onto my shoulder around the 4k mark passing both of us with apparent ease. This roused me from my comfort zone and I pulled past Gordon and stayed behind Billy for a while before making what I hoped was a decisive break on the downhill from Greenan Castle. Hearing heavy breathing behind made me have another attempt and Billy eventually called out telling me to 'go on Davie' and gave ground almost immediately. Gratefully I eased the pace back too as I was breathing pretty heavily myself. I did my best to keep a respectable pace going for the remaining 4k or so and crossed the line in 49.40, 136th place from 249 finishers,  only 5th MV60 this time.
Leading harrier was Ian Hughes in 41.34 and 50th place followed by myself then Billy Buchanan in 50.36 and 147th with Gordon McInally only twenty seconds behind in 150th place.
Phil Marshall finished in 59.54 and 219th but was only second in the household as his wife had already come over the line 69 seconds earlier, go Liz!
First finisher of the wider Buchanan family was Dawn's husband Matt Williamson in 37.27 and 16th place followed by ex-harrier Andy in 39.26 and 31st place, later declaring himself well satisfied with his showing. Gordon was also second in the household as other half Marion, racing on the occasion of her 60th birthday, won her new (and old, we think) category with a time of 46.10 The results show her as leading FV60 but the slip of paper collected at the end of the race shows her as in first place FV55!

Either way an excellent result for Marion.
Making her competitive comeback, as far as I know, was Dawn Williamson coming home in 57.58 and 209th place from the 249 finishers. She declared herself very happy to be under the hour and I expect there will be a great deal of improvement in the near future.
The 10k winners were Alexander Wallace of St Cocas's AC in Co. Kildare and Avril Mason of Shettleston Harriers, 33.22 and 35.29 respectively.
All in all a very enjoyable day out rounded off with a hot shower and even hotter coffee together with home-made sandwiches and home baking along with the support of Frances, Maud and Stuart which was much appreciated by all who took part, not forgetting Jean Buchanan who enabled the other family members to take part by keeping watch over young Finlay. More photos, courtesy of Frances Ferguson and John Boyd, are here https://www.flickr.com/photos/135841033@N05/albums/72157705080064524

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