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Sunday 23 December 2018

Christmas Handicap - Santas, Superheroes and "Strawberries"???

We had a fine turn out for the Harriers' Christmas Handicap last Sunday. It was clear that there would be a power struggle between the Santas (and helpers) and the super heroes this year, ably supported by a selection of fruity individuals, snow flakes, jesters, cowgirls, nuns, soldiers and other colourful characters. A staggered start format was used with the stagger worked out by the coach in advance based on recent race times or in some cases, a complete guess. An undulating, 5 lap, 4 mile route, mostly within the park was the challenge.
Lorraine Buchanan

Billy Buchanan
Max Jones
First across the line and certainly not clowning around was Lorraine Buchanan, holding a 30 second gap to the joker in the pack, Billy Buchanan. A minute later our junior athlete, Max Jones, flew across the line in third. A sprint for the line for 4th place was won by private Chris McCarron, sweeping past Morgan Beaton on the line and overcoming a "monumental" final effort by William Wallace himself, in the form of Robin Ramsay. An Incredible run by Jim Holmes saw the first of our super heroes cross the line. Even Jim said he runs better with that costume on than he does normally so will be looking for a larger size club vest for future races. Julie Thomson glided across the line next, winning the race of the Santa's Little Helpers as a similarly attired Gordon McInally was in close pursuit. Late arrival Kay Conneff, who had already taken two gym classes that morning, was well warmed up by the finish line and had a comfortable lead over the perspiring Forest Gump aka Richard Lawton. Having debuted the costume last year, Russell Couper was striding out in the sequel as Batman Returns, before the next of our Santas, Jim Mearns breezed across the line. Last year's winner, Marion O'Connor was suitably handicapped this year but jived comfortably around the 4 mile course. Next of our juniors was Lewis Moir, who along with the other juniors, had already completed the junior fun run a half hour previously and was still running strongly. Gerry Mullen was a true blast from the past as the 1980's shell suit was dusted off along with the tash and curly perm. Nun on the Run Kevin Farmer was the fastest runner (and nun) of the day, gathering up his cassock and flying. Junior, Aiden Hamilton, was held under a tight reign by cow girl Frances Ferguson, until the final 100m when he took off and sprinted to the line leaving Frances in his dust. A very bat-like Alison Lessells kept another Christmas pudding at bay in the form of Sharon Gregg as the runners continued to stream across the line a millisecond ahead of the the very lean Andy Henderson as the skeleton who was definitely not in the cupboard.

After being mistaken for a strawberry, Eddie Reid was clearly crushed as he crossed the finishing vine as a bunch of grapes. Meanwhile, it was snow fun for Kenny Leinster as he froze his icicles off dressed as a snow flake. Andrew Buchanan went to the dogs as Santa tried valiantly to keep the easily distracted dog, dressed as a reindeer, motivated for 5 laps. Alan Cullie seeemed to be in quite poor elf gathering by the puffing and panting that was going on but was clearly not suffering as much as hottest favourite of the day, Davie Searil, who found that a wet suit made him very hot and very wet indeed as Davie shed litres of sweat on each lap.

Well done to all for fully entering into the spirit of the event. The first three across the line were each asked to nominate a charity to which the Duthie family generously made substantial donations.

Fastest time of the day went to Kevin Farmer 25:24, followed by Chris McCarron (25:39) and the super power that is Jim Holmes (27:23). Fastest lady was Kay Conneff (28:09) with Marion O'Connor second (29:19) and Frances Ferguson third (29:33). Fastest junior was Max Jones (28:08) followed by Lewis Moir (28:22) and Aiden Hamilton (29:30). Full results are here. Note there is a bit of uncertainty over Julie T's time as I made a last minute adjustment to her start time which I noted on a piece of paper which I now no longer have!

More photos will be added here (anyone can upload to the album)

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Richard Lawton said...

Just added 68 photos to the album.