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Thursday 30 August 2018

Ayr Running Festival

Seeing as Martin took over a week to write his Paisley report I thought I'd be super quick and get this one on the blog in under 24 hours! (sorry Martin but I do have more time than you!)

The rain which started during the journey down the M77 had long since cleared by the time Jim and I parked at the Citadel Leisure Centre although sadly, as soon as we climbed out of the car, it became apparent that the wind had strengthened and might play a part in the race. The route was a straight (literally) forward out and back in both directions from the start/finish area situated at Low Green, however as it was a 5k route only we would have to do it all twice.

The later runners from the 5k race were still out on the course as we warmed up and we even managed to get the first of many photos taken of us by the one and only Kenny Phillips, hopefully he didn't think we were taking part just yet.
We're no racing yet Kenny!
Speaking of photos here is a link to Kenny's shots from the 10k starring, in particular, a lady wearing her Calderglen trail race tee shirt - it turned out we both spotted her during the race and cheered her on at different points, she seemed quite pleased. Ayr Running Festival
The course was an amalgam of parts of the Land O'Burns and the Turkey Trot routes so was very familiar which perhaps contributed to the race passing quickly nor being as boring as we had feared (it was still pretty boring!). The wind was coming straight in off the sea and wasn't the hindrance it might have been and seemed to slacken as the race went on.

Jim was pleased to finish in 39th place and a minute up on his Paisley time of two weeks ago in 45.34 and even more pleased later to find he was 2nd MV50. I had been concerned at reaching the half way point in 24.50 as I was targeting sub-50 as is usual for me these days and thought that was a bit too close for comfort. I must have picked the pace up very slightly during the second 5k loop and came home in 49.28 and 71st place overall but was delighted when Jim contacted me later to say I was a category winner, 1st MV60! Hopefully I'll get my award this time...

There were 161 starters and with 4 dnfs (unusual in a 10k) only 157 finishers.
The winners were Sean Chalmers of Inverness Harriers in 33.07 and Laura Stewart of Glasgow Uni Hares and Hounds (also U23 winner) in 39.20.

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