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Tuesday 20 September 2011

Grand Prix 2011 - 2012

The 2011 to 2012 Grand Prix and Scratch Championships kick off this Saturday with the Houston Road Relay (see the separate Houston post for further details and to indicate if you can run). As with previous years, the season will comprise 16 races of which the best 11 scores will count. The Grand Prix races up till Christmas this year are listed here.

The "joker" system levels the playing field, so it is not necessarily the fastest who wins. To win, you have to do most of the races and play your jokers wisely. Evening classes in the joker system are available from joker black belts such as Russell, David Wardrope and Jim Holmes.

In the ladies competition everyone starts the season with 1 joker and has unlimited jokers for the season. Points are scored 5 points for first Harrier, 4 for second, etc down to 1 point for 5th and every other Harrier who takes part. Declaring a joker before the race doubles your score, playing two jokers doubles the score again and so on. An extra joker is earned if you score 3 or less points in the race. A further extra joker is earned on completion of 5 races, 10 races and 15 races.

In the men's Grand Prix season start jokers and maximum jokers for the season are as listed here. Points are scored from 12 for first Harrier down to 1 for 12th and all other competing Harriers. Playing a joker doubles your score, playing 2 doubles it again and so on up to a maximum of 24 points in any race. An extra joker is awarded on scoring 4 to 6 points  and two jokers are awarded on scoring 3 points or less. A further extra joker is earned on completion of 5, 10 and 15 races (these extra jokers also increase your season maximum jokers also).

The club scratch championship runs in parallel to the Grand Prix. This comprises the same 11 from 16 races but in this case the jokers do not count so only the basic points are scored (1 to 5 for ladies and 1 to 12 for men). Theoretically the fastest runners should win this if they do enough races.

Use the Calderglen Grand Prix menu item on the left to follow your score and joker situation through the season.

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