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Thursday, 4 April 2024

Club Training Thursday 4th April

It is threshold Thursday comprising of 3 x 10 minutes at threshold with a 3:30 jog recovery. Use the Sainsburys loop for the session, this giving a good mix of flat, uphill and downhill sections to cement the aim of maintaining a constant level of effort and varying the pace to maintain that effort depending on the slope and wind resistance. Apart from using the watch to time the efforts, you should not be glancing at your watch to check pace as it is irrelevant. The objective is to learn to run by feel and know your own limits as this is what you have to do in real races. Trying to religiously stick to a pace when conditions during that particular stretch of the race are against you can very often destroy your race whereas those who run to feel may well come flying past you later in the race having controlled their effort. Threshold is the 2-3 word talking pace between breaths or the effort you could maintain for an hour if starting off totally fresh in a race situation.

Take the usual warm-up/cool-down to/from the Sainsburys loop and start the first effort at the main gate as per usual. Thereafter the session is continuous, regrouping into your packs during the recovery jogs.

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