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Sunday, 6 March 2022

Club Training Monday 7th March

Another phase of our training starts this week with a focus on 10 mile and 10k specific sessions. However, as many in the club were racing hard on Saturday, Monday is a fairly low overall repetition volume. The session is at Langlands Place (effectively the Calderglen Harriers "track") and is as follows:

4 x 800m at 10k pace, 1 minute recoveries

For guidance and particularly those who raced at the Scally and hence have a very up to date 5k pace, your 10k pace should be roughly about 10 seconds per km slower than your 5k race time. The table below gives an approximate conversion from 5k time to 10k pace 800m rep time. Remember, faster is not better in terms of training pace. The idea is to expend as little energy as possible to get the desired result so you are recovered to train again throughout the week and hence ensure consistent training volume (which is the thing that really makes the difference to running performance).

Take the usual route to/from Langlands Place via Strathaven Rd and Sainsburys.

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