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Sunday 31 March 2019

Tom Scott memorial 10 miler

As Kenny would say what a lovely day for a run. Strathclyde park has a habit of being windy but today there was almost none and what there was had no effect. Dry and sunny and about 6 degrees what more could you ask for. With a few call offs with illness and injury we were left with 9 Harriers taking the start line for the Ladies Julie Beveridge, Karen Allen, Alison Lessells and Lorraine Buchanan. Within half a mile the girls were all in front of me and moving away and I had gone under 8mins for the first mile. All had good runs with Julie crossing the line in 1.07.41 and well ahead of all the other Harriers and 5th F35 in a very strong field. Our 2nd Lady was Karen with a good run of 1.14.53 and 2nd Harrier of the day. Third Lady was Alison still on the comeback trail but looking stronger all the time with 1.20.13. Finally for the Ladies was Lorraine not having her best run in her words but still a very admirable 1.25.17 which is a 10min course best.
For the men we had Andy Buchanan, Richard Lawton, Chas Steven, Gordon McInally and Russell Couper. Off we went and Andy was very quickly out of sight and Richard wasn't long in passing me but I was looking to keep it that way with Chas and Gordon behind me. Off round the top of the Loch and feeling a bit heavy legged but feeling strong and maintaining a good pace round to the beach. At this point the race splits with the 6k going straight on to complete a loop of the loch and the 10m turning onto the road to head back to M&Ds. This is where we have the biggest hill on the course and I really felt it and took about 100metres over the top to recover.

Back round the top of the Loch and down towards the water sports centre. 1 full lap of the Loch left and starting to feel the early pace and I pass Andy standing changed at the side having had to pull out with a hamstring injury then Chas who had to pull out at the earlier course split with a recurring injury. This makes me 2nd male Harrier on the course and ive never been at these dizzy heights. Managed to keep a good steady pace round the last lap even manageing to pick it up on the last mile. Richard had crossed the line in 1.15.15 and 1st Male Harrier another one reaching dizzy heights. Then it was Russell 1.26.08 with a new age category PB. My fastest time since 2006. Gordon wasn't far behind and when you consider hes hardly been able to train for 3 months had a remarkable time of 1.28.16 . A wee mention also to ex Harrier Kay Conneff having a good run in a time of 1.13.34 . Thanks to Frances Maxwell for coming along to support it really helps getting a shout from sidelines. To those injured or ill I hope you recover soon.
All the photos taken by Frances are here.

1 comment:

CoachAD said...

Well done all, particularly those achieving PB's. Russell, good to see an improvement after so many years.