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Monday 10 October 2016

Great Scottish Run postscript

Some of you may have read Stephen's GSR report last week and noticed Mary's rather (very!) slow time and, like me, wondered what had happened to her. I finally got round to contacting her tonight only to find that she was one of the many victims of the Pollok Park speedbumps. I had heard quite a few people on the day talking about how they had seen or heard runners crashing to the ground at one of the frequent tarmac lumps within the park never thinking for a minute that one of our clubmates had also succumbed. The silent policemen certainly did their job by preventing our Mary from running at all for a while as she received medical attention. Big brave Terry Butcher himself would have been proud of Mary's head bandage, as you can see from the photo below.

Shamelessly blagged from the official website!
I'm sure the club will join me in congratulating Mary on finishing the race despite her injuries (knees and ribs too) and also for one of the most stirring finish line photos ever published on the blog. Wishing you all the best with your recovery Mary, from the achilles injury too, and hope to see you back at the club very soon.


StephenP said...

Definitely something going on this year given the number of people that tripped. Maybe the change from bright sunlight to shade. Anyway head bandages are the way forward !

Kenny said...

Mary, I hope you are recovering, well done for continuing on to finish.

csteven said...

A colleague of mine at work also had a fall at one of the speed bumps. I hope enough people are raising their concerns with the race organisers so that these falls can be avoided next year.