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Sunday 4 August 2013


(note to myself - you talk a load of crap at times!)
What made me think this was an easy run? Firstly - it's a massive 4.8 miles, and secondly - there's hills in it!
I managed to arrive here in plenty of time, so loads of chatting to fellow competitors (sorry Alan, I know, should be stretching and warming up).

I knew the course from last time, so did a quick warm up with a couple of the Fife guys. I seemed to have forgotten about 2 steep muddy hills. We ran the first one, but the other was like the start of Chatelherault, steep and kills your legs...no point in doing that unless I have too! The course was 3 laps and a bit (the bit being 400/500 mtrs which takes you off the tar path and on to a lovely grassy lawn with the finishing post at the far end). Each lap was 1.5 miles, but this is about the hills as everything else is completely manageable.
Like before the race is started by some old bloke dressed in some dodge gear - not me for a change! (to be fair, he was a nice old boy who must be responsible for the mansion house and was dressed in old plus4's golfing clothes). After a quick speech, he blows his whistle and we are off. An element of control is required as we are 400 mtrs away from the woods and first hill. I'm determined to run them no matter what! As soon as I hit the woods, some beastie goes down my throat, while another one is busy stinging my arm. I swiped the wee bugger, but there was a sting in my arm throbbing away. There was no way I was stopping, so did the best I could to squeeze it out. After both hills you come down through the car park (on tar) and have about a mile round a field, through another wood (flatish) and back on to the tar road at the start.
First lap 11.38. Just need to get the flamin hills over again. Managed it without being attacked!! Back round the field and approaching the hills for the last time. I was running nip and tuck with a guy from Perth. I was happy staying at this pace as no-one was catching and we were slowly closing people down who were in front. I waited until the end of the tar, before hitting the grass finish to make my move, and past 3 in the run in. Finished in 38.18 67th place. 37.42 2 years ago, so not too bad.

Tomorrow is the 1.4 hill on road. I'm glad as my legs are tired.
I've been talking to my pals from Leven Las Vegas and they told me that they have a surprise for me tomorrow?

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