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Sunday 6 March 2011


Four Harriers travelled through to the village of Rosewell, just south of Edinburgh, to take part in this very hilly race. The race started with a slight uphill before it levelled off. You then drop steeply into Roslin Glen, which is then followed by a 1 in 5 climb out of the glen. The first 5 or 6 mile follows this theme. The last 4 miles (that's if anything is left in the tank) you can stride out a bit.
The first Harrier home was Stephen Reilly in a time of 66:46, followed by Scot Hill in 68:47. Next was Stuart Waugh who was 69:58 and finally Graham Lindsay 76:11. Ex-Harrier Kenny Davidson also took part in a time of 64:39. It was nice to catch up with how he is doing in Peebles.
We also had a support team (when they weren't following the Da Vinci Code at Roslin Chapel) of Irene, Caroline and Maud

1 comment:

grazie said...

Another race report from the weekend...

As part of our training for the London Marathon David Wardrope and myself headed down to Lancaster for Sunday's Trimpell 20 Mile Road Race.
Conditions were perfect with clear blue skies and nothing more than a light breeze - it was quite cold on the starting line but things soon warmed up as the race progressed.

Both of us intended to run this at our anticipated marathon pace but straight off it was clear we were going a little faster than planned.
The course is nice and flat with too few hills to mention so after our LSR around the hillier roads of Auldhouse we were both able to run comfortably at a faster pace.

The race begins on the track at the Salt Ayre Sports Centre which then leads onto a cycle path for an out-and-back over 4 miles or so before heading onto the edge of the river Lune. After passing through an old industrial area then a housing scheme we were soon heading out along a more scenic route through the Lune valley. Again this was an out-and-back but the pleasant scenery didn't make this seem too much of a chore.
After heading past the start we double-backed onto the race track for a 'springy' finish.

I ran a pretty consistent run crossing the line on 02:33:11 - roughly 7 minutes quicker than I had intended.
David wasn't far behind with a time of 02:38:11 - proclaiming this to be his 2nd best long distance race ever!

I was placed 159th and David 180th out of 388 finishers.

The race was very well marshalled with plenty of water stops and encouragement along the way.

We both seem to have finished this race with little problem so things are looking good for our up-and-coming marathon in April!

Graham Ramage