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Friday 20 November 2020

Level 4 Training changes

As of Friday 20th November at 6pm South Lanarkshire, along with other authorities in Central Scotland, has been put into Level 4 tier of Scottish Government COVID-19 protection level. This is for a 3 week period to Friday 11th December.

As a club we can still train in level 4 but with some changes that increase our social distance procedures.


  1. Meeting at Sports Club outside - will remain to do this as it reduces the bureaucracy from my point of view and the Sports Club remains closed during this 3 week period
  2. Before and after training maintain 2m (6.5ft) social distance from other members
  1. Bubble size have been reduced from 15 athletes in Level 3. Now in Level 4 age 18+ its a maximum size of 8 athletes
  2. When your pack has all arrived then please promptly start your warm up no hanging about and leave a sensible gap between packs leaving Sports Club
  3. Maintain 2m (6.5ft) social distance from other packs
  4. Due to Level 4 the field of play bubbles are suspended for those aged 18+ . Everyone must follow 2m (6.5ft) side by side & 5m (16ft) single file from warm up, main session and cool down within your pack
After Training
  1. Even though it is tempting to be social able, when training finished leave promptly no hanging about
  2. If you become unwell after training with COVID 19 symptoms and you engage with Test & Protect please give them my contact details as they will want to speak to me about the social distance procedures implemented during the run. My email is lawtons1@sky.com and mobile is 07849 231343.
Following the publication of updated guidance on travel from the Scottish Government and sportscotland on 20.11.20 please find further guidance on travel for athletics in Scotland. The key changes are:

  1. Athletes living in a Level 4 area can now travel 5 miles from their local authority boundary to participate in sport
  2. Participants aged 18+ living in Levels 0,1 and 2 should avoid travel to Level 3 or 4 areas to take part in sport
Level 4 - other travel details
  1. Avoid any unnecessary travel out of the area
  2. Keep journeys within the area to an absolute minimum
  3. Participants aged 18 years or over (adults) living in a Level 4 area should only travel locally (within around 5 miles of their local authority area) to take part in athletics
  4.  Participants aged 17 years or under living in a Level 4 area should only travel locally (within around 5 miles of their local authority area) to take part in athletics
  5. Any participant attending school, college or university in another local authority area should not stay in that area to participate in athletics unless;
    1. the session is taking place at the facility they attend for education
    2. the training facility is within 5 miles of the local authority where they live
Please refer to recent post on using booking system and refresh your knowledge on our existing procedures by looking at the COVID 19 Training Booking Forms and Packs link. If there is any more new information I will update members.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and helping the committee to reduce the impact of COVID within our club and keeping members safe.


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