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Friday 27 March 2020

Training - Friday 27th March

In the current lock down situation with no races on the horizon, this is an opportunity to work on all the basics of our fitness without having to worry about peaking or saving energy for races. We can work towards a race peak when we know when the races will be.

So for some of us, Fridays are usually a Friday evening intense circuit day preceded some hours earlier in the day with a fairly brisk run of around 10k (always do your running session before any strength sessions to prevent impact injuries from running on weakened legs).

The Friday intense circuit session is only 5 exercises per circuit but the aim is to do them at a rhythm similar to your running stride rate, so fast movements. Do 2 to 4 circuits depending on experience. 30 seconds each exercise, 10 seconds between each to move to the next position (set your watch to interval mode, 30 second interval, 10 second recovery and then 10, 15 or 20 repetitions depending on how many circuits you are doing). Warm up beforehand with running on the spot or around the garden if you have space. Take it a bit easy on the first circuit to ensure all muscles are warm and activated. 

Friday Evening Intense Circuit (on video here)
01 Step Ups - low step, fast cadence
02 Press Ups
03 Sit Ups
04 Alternating Side Planks - won't be possible at running cadence but fast and smooth transitions. 
05 Burpees - can also do as star jumps if you have enough space. Do on a soft surface and try to land as lightly as possible. 

I may post some videos later to illustrate if the film crew is up for it. In the meantime, you may wish to follow this video as an example of a home warm up :-).

1 comment:

Richard Lawton said...

The video link makes the session crystal clear. A picture, or video in this case, is worth a thousand words.