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Wednesday 25 March 2020

Circuit Training at Home (Videos added)

The full set of circuits has been added to this Harriers' Wednesday Home Circuits Set playlist which will automatically play through all the exercises in order. 
For those who usually do the Wednesday evening circuits, it's mainly bodyweight exercises, so why not do it at home. So it's 30 seconds on each exercise, 10 seconds between exercises, 1 to 3 complete circuits depending on how familiar you are with the 15 exercises.
3. Squats
4. Tricep Dips (use a low, stable chair or similar)
7. Pull ups (may struggle to find something to do this on unless you have a low, strong branch in the garden or a door frame mounted pull up bar. Do more press ups if you can't do this one safely)
10. Bicep curls (hold heavy carrier bags in each hand or similar up to a few kg per hand)
11. Plank
12.  Single leg squats (alternating after each 5 on one leg) 
13. Medicine ball trunk rotations (hold a 5 to 10 kg object out at arms length} 
15. Step ups (to a step or chair about knee height). 

May post some photos or videos of each exercise later when I do the session myself.
Videos of each of the exercises (except number 7) are now in this link. This is the director's cut and needs a little bit of further editing but hopefully brings a little bit of sunshine to those back home. Further instructions on each exercise are in the "info" button at the top of each video clip.

1 comment:

Alison Lessells said...

I’m not 100% sure what trunk curls are so if you could show a photo/video that would be great. Otherwise I’ll do sit ups.