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Sunday 6 November 2016

Performance and PB Awards Review

It is time to review the performance of our members against the club standards for the 2015-16 season. The season ran from 1st October 2015 to 30th September 2016. I tried to keep the following spreadsheet up to date as the season went on but have been up to my neck in other things in the past few months and have most likely missed the most recent performances. Could everyone check their race performances during the 2015-16 season against the performance standards listed here:


If I already have your best times for the season recorded in this list of performances then there is no need to fill in the form.

Use this form to tell me about any missing performances and if possible provide a link to the on-line results confirming the performance. Fill in a separate form for each race standard achieved. Your times will appear in this temporary spreadsheet when successfully submitted.

We have a separate category of awards for PB's achieved during the season relative to the previous seasons. This spreadsheet lists the PB's that people have advised me of so far. If you have set PB's at any of the standard distances over the past season, then please use this form to record your PB (fill in a separate form for each PB). Your times will appear in this spreadsheet when successfully submitted. The rules are explained in the Performance Award link on the menu to the left.

Could you all please complete the above by 7pm on Sunday 6th November.


Anonymous said...


On your PB form it asks for the date of your old PB. It only allows you to put in a 2016 date. When I tried changing this to 2015 it is coming up with an message to say the date is invalid. Surely if it is a PB you are looking to improve on last seasons time which would have been set in 2015?


CoachAD said...

Hi Julie,
I suggest that it is a problem with your hardware rather than the form. If you click the link to the temporary spreadsheet of results you will see that both of Richard's PB's and a dummy test PB I have just entered all contain dates that are earlier than 2016. There is no programming behind this; it is just a simple "Google Forms" application that I just add data entry fields to. I presume you are using an iPad rather than a PC, laptop or Android tablet (all of which it works on fine). I am guessing this is Mr Apple trying to steer people towards their products (or vice versa) by not making them fully compatible with other Open Source systems such as Android tablets and Windows PC's.

Just enter any old 2016 date in that field and type the actual date into the field for pasting the link to the results web site in (in addition to pasting the link in). Note that as well as typing the date into the "Date of Old PB" field, you can also click the down arrow beside the date field and then scroll backwards through a calendar a month at a time until you reach whichever date you want and then select it. This alternative method of data entry may work on an iPad.

Richard Lawton said...

Hi Julie

Just entered my Brampton 2016 Pb and came across invalid date. However noticed the format of the date MM / DD / YYYY e.g. we would write 30/11/16 but you would need to enter 11 / 30 / 16. Think this is the USA format.
