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Monday 3 May 2010

London Marathon Report

The eagerly anticipated race report from David Wardrope:

My family and I travelled down to London on Thursday 22nd for my 8th London Marathon. There is a real advantage of having family staying in London, especialy as I knew my eating would not be a problem as my brother in law Dhruv has recently won BBC'S Masterchef, this also allowed me to go to registraion and spend some time wandering around the marathon expo on the friday withouth the kids saying we're bored we want to go home etc.

I was up and out the hotel by 7.00am on the Sunday to make my way over to Blackheath for the start. I arrived at the start at about 8.30am giving me just over an hour before the start. No sooner had I changed into vest and shorts, handed over my baggage than the heavens opened. Its amazing how many people can fit into a marquee!
I made my way over to my starting pen (pen 4) with about half an hour to the start. I was hoping to run between 3 hrs 35mins and 3hrs 45mins (approx 8.15 / 8.30per mile). At just after 9.45am we were off and then we weren't as all that seemed to happen for the 1st mile was we started and stopped this resulting in a 9min 20 sec mile. After this I settled into my stride and was really enjoying the run until about 22miles. At 22 miles my time was 3 hrs 4mins, well on for a sub 3:45,shortly after 22 miles I had to stop for a pee. Trying to get started after this was a nightmare as my legs had seized up, meaning my pace became much slower for the last 4 miles. I finished in 3hrs 52mins 46secs a bit outside my pb,but still my best marathon for a good few years. Once I had collected my baggage I met up with my wife and kids and posed for some photos with my medal. Then it was back to Dhruv's house for a shower and a well deserved meal.

Its a rest for a week or so for me then onto Edinburgh for the marathon on 23rd May. I'm running this one with 2 first timers from my work, we are raising funds for Calum's Cabin (www.calumscabin.com).

Well done to David on an excellent effort and an informative report. Thursday's training session will be practicing running without stopping for a pee, something we have clearly neglected in training! It is also good to know that our catering problem for the club dance is solved. All the best for Edinburgh (go before you start or don't stop to go!).


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